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fossil bacteriaの例文


  • You find fossil bacteria and organic compounds all over the place.
  • Astonishingly, it also contains minute structures that look as if they could be fossil bacteria.
  • Among the bits of evidence, he said, were not only fossil bacteria and organic compounds in the field but careful demonstrations in the laboratory of how microbes can concentrate gold.
  • In the 1960s, Dr . Bartholomew Nagy of Fordham University and colleagues reported extracting five types of " organized elements, " resembling fossil bacteria, from within a meteorite that had fallen on France in 1864.
  • The initial crossing to Mars will be made for a great number of reasons, some of them solid ( to see if there really are fossil bacteria there ), some of them not ( to look for Elvis ).
  • While some might see the implications for fossil clams or mammals as a bit weak, Dr . Andrew Knoll of Harvard University said that the new work could help resolve a vexing question for paleontologists who study fossil bacteria.
  • The scientists working on the meteorite rushed to acknowledge the circumstantial nature of their evidence : a few complex molecules, crystals that look like those produced by bacteria here on Earth and tiny tubes that look like terrestrial fossil bacteria.
  • Davis and Briggs ( 1995 ) studied that the fossilization of feathers often involves the formation of bacterial mats, and found fossil bacteria with scanning electron microscopy upon the fossil feathers of birds from the Eocene Green River Formation and the Cretaceous Crato Formation.